Monday, April 7, 2014


It Will Continue in Oedarin

Sometimes life is just an obnoxious little prat with zero consideration. I think we've all experienced those moments, and lately I've been traversing one myself. I apologize for not posting the last couple of weeks. It's been one of those times where negativity would have ruined the prose and context of what I wanted to write. Many people use social media and personal blogs to vent out their pent up frustrations at every opportunity; I, however, do my best to avoid such action. How about you?

Anyway, I have an announcement of sorts!

There have been many guesses and propositions as to the title of the next installment to Oblivion's Gate, and some have been quite catchy and fun. However, when I started this adventure I quickly chose the titles of each book in the series. It all began in Mimgardr (It being not only Dan and Aaron's apprenticeships but the sum of series' story), and hence book one was called in its honor, Mimgardr. In keeping with tradition, book two will also be named for a place, and that place is Oedarin, the small elfin kingdom over which Dan's island formerly looked and where the King of Hearts makes his home in the fortress of Andunban.

When Mimgardr ended Aaron and Dan had been separated for five years. Aaron had been training to succeed Merlin as Master of Hearts while Dan lived alone in exile. As this next piece of the story begins, Dan is being called out of exile to the bedsides of his mother-in-law and his former master. Unfortunately, a certain shape-shifting time traveler is still at large, and he too seems to be waiting patiently for Dan's return. What awaits our heroes in Oedarin? That remains to be seen as we move closer to the book's release, but there can be no doubt that it will answer the words carved by an intruder into the doors of the royal catacombs:


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