Monday, March 3, 2014


The Twins' Mother

This last week I was talking with a reader about Kimira and Raeleen and answering some questions about their upcoming roles in the Kingdom Chronicles series. Then suddenly my new friend changed topics on me and blurted, "Was Kalea's companion white?"

I was surprised by the question and didn't have a chance to regain my conversational footing before my friend expounded with, "According to genetics, it would take a black dragon (Damos) and a white dragon to produce a black and a white offspring. So was Kalea's companion white?"

Now this person is thinking intelligently! However, I answered that the well thought out assumption was in fact incorrect. Kalea's companion was not white, and would be introduced later in the story along with other dragons. I then explained that the twinship of Brazor and Rokai goes much deeper than simply the dual fertilization of a single egg and basic genetic rules. Rokai and Brazor, like their companions Zarrys and Fallon, bear specific markings and traits that pertain to signs and powers, including physical traits that have been buried in their bloodlines for generations.

It was an excellent thought, and I am loving the fact that I have readers who are digging into the back stories in hopes of finding little golden nuggets. As I've said before, I'm one for complex characters, characters who each deserve a series of their own. I'm also a fan of telling things in their own due time and not rushing into too much revelation. These books have barely scratched the surface of Brazor and Rokai's story, and the same is true of Raeleen, Kimira, Namine and Kirah as well.

The coming books will bring to light much of the individual characters' back stories and personal developments. The story isn't over yet, and I hope you'll be there with me till the very end.

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