Tuesday, February 11, 2014


What's Next Poll

Hey, everyone!

I'm using this post today to gather your opinions so I can make this blog more enjoyable and useful for you. My question is:

What type of posts do you want to see most on this blog?

Do you prefer writing updates, book clips, background information on the characters and places in my books, reviews for books by other authors, writing tips, random facts, or something else?

Take a minute to hit the comments section below and share your opinion! Feel free to list more than one option, but please ensure that your list appears in order of importance, starting with the most important.

Thank you!


  1. For me I like to see clips, background info, random facts, reviews, and tips, also selections of music that you used to inspire your work and how it got you thinking.

    1. Thanks, Aaron. What types of thing would you like more background on? I'm working on some music posts right now per your comment.

  2. I would like to see background info on your characters and places (where you got the inspiration, more of their back story, etc.), reviews on other author's books, writing tips and also personal stories, experiences, etc. I like to get to know an author too, not just their books. I feel more connected to the author that way.

    1. Thank you for these thoughts. I've been writing along some of these lines the last few months, but I will add more of these focus points in the future.
