Saturday, January 18, 2014


Excellent Questions from a Pondering Mann

Mimgardr Cover-Oblivion's Gate-S. R. FordIf you haven't been to either my Facebook fan page (here) or the Oblivion's Gate Facebook fan page (here) recently, then you may not have seen the essay that was posted to both yesterday morning by a fan and friend of mine, Mr Aaron Mann. The essay, which I learned from messaging the author is dubbed "My Pondry," is dedicated to Mr Mann's thoughts and questions regarding Mimgardr and its upcoming sequel. It is written for fans by a fan and includes some very good points that fans of the series might want to consider. BUT before you rush off to read it, I must warn you that there are a few Mimgardr spoilers in the essay. It is a response to the book after all.

I very much appreciated and enjoyed Mr Mann's essay, and I want to thank him for it. Knowing that he is asking the questions I want readers to be asking at the end of Mimgardr helps me to know that I have succeeded in my cause as a storyteller. And knowing that he isn't the only person to be asking to those questions only serves to confirm that success.

Mr Mann, if you see this blog, I want to say thank you for the time you took to jot down your impressions and share them with the world. I'm excited to see what else might come from your hands in days to come, and I'm even more excited to answer your questions with the release of the sequel in a few months.

For the rest of you reading this, here is a link to the posted essay: "The Pondry." If you would, please take a minute to read it and comment on it. I know that both Mr Mann and I would appreciate it.