Monday, January 27, 2014


Fans, Assemble!

This is going to be short but very important. I am working on a project, and in order to get it done right I need your help.

Here's what I'm working on:

I'm pulling together an assortment of Kingdom Chronicles and Oblivion's Gate paraphernalia that fans of the two series will be able to collect and share with their friends. Phase One of that plan includes creating more memes, quote pics, and wallpapers (Like the one to the right). All of these Phase One treasures will be free to download, like, share and pin.

Here's where you come in:

I want these piece of official fandom material (that sounds fancy) to bear your influence. So, I need you to write in your favorite moments, images, lines and quotes from all three of my books. All of them. There's no limit on the number of submissions. In fact, the more you send in the better. I just ask that your submission contain as much detail as possible (character, book, chapter and maybe even a short why). Please send them in either on a comment below or an email via the contact link to the right of the screen.

Also, feel free to offer ideas and requests for other fandom goodies that you'd like to see come along with Phases Two and Three.

Thanks so much for your help! You fans are important to me, and I want to include you as much as possible.



  1. "The strength of our thorns and beauty of our blossoms together evidence the sturdiness of our relationships." -- King Michael Maccini, Mimgardr, "Blood Blossoms"

    "Some things are more important than polished stone." -- Marama, Mimgardr,

    "Even if the world was falling apart, that was no reason to let his appearance and good habits fall apart with it." ---S. R. Ford, Mimgardr.

  2. You can see a cover-inspired promo wallpaper now on the home page of my official website. Check it out here:

  3. Here's a short one that always makes me laugh: "Jatl ku!"

    1. Watch your language! This is a public blog after all ;)

    2. Exactly! Haha! It must be something inappropriate, yet does anyone actually know what it means?
